Welcome to Mosaic
We are a social justice focused UMC Church in downtown Wilmington, NC.
We have worship each Sunday at 10am. We also have activities throughout the year for our entire community. We are open to those of any faith background. Our hope is to build a chosen family that serves and lifts up our local community.
Welcome Home!
To a church where...
Love is Love
Black Lives Matter
Women's Rights are Human Rights
No Human is Illegal
Science Is Real
Kindness is Everything
Join our Circuit Riders
Mosaic has an online church that is free to join. Circuit Riders have access to
Our online Sanctuary
Worship Services
Online Pastor’s Office Hours
Support Groups
Classes and more.
Upcoming Events
Building Hope
Support our growth
Book appointment with Pastor Kelley
Do you want a private space to chat with our Pastor? You can schedule an appointment online or in-person with Pastor Kelley here.
Support Mosaic
Visit our Mosaic Shop for hats, mugs, and more to support Mosaic’s work. You can also purchase a Pride Brick that will honor someone you care about above our Rainbow Garden.
Indigenous Land Acknowledgment
Waccamaw, Catawba, Cape Fear People
We acknowledge the harm our churches and schools caused. We also support 2016 Book of Resolutions, #3324 and ask that our church continue to pursue reparations in the Trail of Repentance and Healing.
The United Methodist Church officially supports reparations and calls on Congress to pass H.R. 40, the bill that would authorize a study on reparations (Resolution 3066).
We also are grateful for all those who celebrate and honor our two-spirit siblings against the face of the colonialism and religious prejudice that try to force their erasure through schools and churches..